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Winning at the Game of Life

It’s a good idea to periodically do a Personal Situation Assessment to confirm your objectives, develop strategies and a plan, inventory your capabilities, and look around for opportunities and threats.

The objective sets direction and the goal. Strategies make smart use of limited resources. A plan implements strategies to achieve an objective. The objective doesn’t have to be perfect, just “perfectly good enough” to take the next step. As you move forward, you’ll acquire information that will reduce uncertainty around your objectives, strategies and plans.

It helps to look around, too. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to business competition or project planning. An inventory of strengths and weaknesses is a measure of personal growth.  Strengths enable you to accomplish things, and to respond to change. Opportunities and threats are short-term issues that you can act on to make progress or to prevent loss, respectively.

To win at the game of life, acquire strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and clear threats as you move towards your objective.

To help you perform your own Personal Situation Assessment, check out the tool on the Services page.

Greg Steer